the Cyber-dreads have been flowing pretty long lately, which is code for: i've been doing lots of interviews lately! Check out one I just did with DJ Dona on WNYU's Crucial Chaos by clicking on this sentence. And keep a lookout for some lengthy print interviews (printerviews?) in Impose, Altered Zones, etc etc etc

Hubble Drums comes out in a few days, can't wait!!! All you NYCers be sure to come to the RELEASE PARTY on SATURDAY NOVEMBER 19TH at 285 KENT. And if that aint enough, come check me out the week after at Cameo Gallery for a JVCD Presents exxxtravaganza night that will likely provoke involuntary hallucinations amongst even the most tight-laced square-faced of audience members. it'll be Pynchonian, truly.